THE WORLD can be divided quite neatly into two categories:
1) People who do not make lists
2) People who do.
If you belong in the first category, you will have no idea what I am talking about here and you should stop reading immediately and go lose something or forget an important task.
But if you belong to the second category... you are a listmaker, and that makes you a very special brand of human indeed.
WELCOME to a demonstration of In Control™ 2.0, the top-rated To-Do List Manager with over 50 new features.
IN CONTROL is the only Mac software that lets you manage your activities organized in an outline, prioritized in a list, and laid out over time in a calendar. The authors, the original creators of FileMaker, made IN CONTROL easy to use and sharply focused on to-do list management. But unlike simple calendar or reminder programs, IN CONTROL gives you the power of a database to help you decide what to do as well as when to do it.
In Control is for anyone who needs to manage many ever-changing details. If you have ever written lists of things to do, you will find In Control intuitive and easy to use. And starting to use In Control doesn’t require a big investment of time or effort. Just type in your list and In Control is ready to help you juggle priorities, decide what to do next, or remind you of important dates, assignments, and details.
Version 2 adds a handy new Date View and lets you drag to-do items from the outline directly onto the date you want, and display and print your schedule up to a year at a time. New commands support displaying and printing daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists, status reports, and schedules.
Version 2 also adds checkboxes for done items, automatic reminders, more flexible matching commands to let you focus on what’s important, auto-entered values for even faster data entry, multi-valued cells, multiple selection, and many other features. Checked-off activities can be hidden and returned to view, retaining their context within the outline. The DynoPage Lite printing utility comes bundled free with IN CONTROL.
The new Scripts command makes it easy to automate commonly performed actions, including sorting, matching, changing column arrangements, typestyle and other formatting changes, and many others. You can easily create scripts to display a list of high priority tasks due today, or a calendar for the Smith Project’s tasks only. The new Auto-Script command lets you specify a script to be performed each time the file is opened, automatically reminding you of the day’s activities.
A feature unique to IN CONTROL lets you select just those activities you want to focus on (such as Susan’s assignments in Priority order) and then display just those activities in the Date View. This gives you power to display and print calendars for individual staff members, calendars for each ongoing project, and a master calendar of every scheduled task.
Powerful new Document Linking lets System 7 you attach a document or application to any to-do item, and then quickly open it from within IN CONTROL. A new Outline Matching feature lets you retain the outline hierarchy even after matching topics that meet criteria you specify.
IN CONTROL’s reminders work more flexibly than other applications. The use of a reminder extension is optional. Those who install the extension are reminded even if IN CONTROL is not running, while those who choose not to use the extension can still be reminded when their IN CONTROL file is open. Corporate users with extension conflicts may appreciate this flexibility.
With the included DynoPage Lite, users can preview printed pages and print to a wide variety of page sizes, including pages for Day-Timer, Day-Runner, Filofax, Franklin, or other planner.
• Copy the IN CONTROL 2.0 Demo application and the folder IN CONTROL Sample Files from the CD onto your hard disk. You may copy them into any folder in your hard disk that you find convenient. Then simply double click any of the sample files or IN CONTROL itself and use the FILE / OPEN command to work with the samples.
• DynoPage Lite™ - enables you to print out lists and calendars on popular organizer formats.
• Claris XTND System and filters - enables you to IMPORT/EXPORT to and from most popular file formats.
• IN CONTROL Blinker - gives you reminders even if IN CONTROL isn't running.
These are all supplied when you purchase IN CONTROL from your software supplier.
In Control is available through your local dealer or favorite mail order source. You can also order In Control directly from us.
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Attain Corporation
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Tele (617) 776-1110 Fax (617) 776-1626
Or phone or fax us to place a MasterCard or Visa order at 617-776-1110. Be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, credit card number, and expiration date.